1 Answer
<p>If you're already logged into your Forexqna account, you can change your password by visiting your account settings at <a href="https://www.forexqna.com/settings/setting_list?type=Account">https://www.forexqna.com/settings/setting_list?type=Account</a></p><p>Click "Change Password"</p><p class="forexqa-img-container"><img border="0" width="374" src="https://prod-forexqna.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/froala_editor/images/1639459112413.png" alt="Image" class="fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable forexqa-img" style="width: 388px;"></p><p>and enter your current password in the ‘’Old Password’’ field. You can then enter your new password and click “Update” to save it for the next time you log in.</p><p class="forexqa-img-container"><img border="0" width="314" src="https://prod-forexqna.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/froala_editor/images/1639459112437.png" alt="Image" class="fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable forexqa-img" style="width: 468px;"></p><p>If you don't remember your password and are logged out from your Forexqna account, you can change it from the login screen by entering your email address and clicking the "Forgot Password?" link. We will send you a link to reset your password via email.</p><p class="forexqa-img-container"><img border="0" width="317" src="https://prod-forexqna.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/froala_editor/images/1639459112462.png" alt="Image" class="fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable forexqa-img" style="width: 362px;"></p><p>If you're …</p>