How do I follow and unfollow topics on Forexqna?

Forexqna Moderator Moderator at Forexqna
Answered 2 years, 7 months ago
<p id="isPasted">When you follow a topic on Forexqna, your Feed will start to include content - such as new questions and answers - relevant to that topic. (Please note you aren't guaranteed to see all of the topic content in your feed - this depends on the amount of activity from other topics and people you're following.) &nbsp;You can follow any topic on Forexqna in a few different ways.&nbsp;</p><p>On the web:</p><ul type="disc"><li>From any topic page, you can click on the "Follow Topic" button, located just below the topic name and description<br><br></li></ul><p>To unfollow a topic, simply follow the same steps …</p>