What are the main policies and guidelines for posting questions on Forexqna?

Forexqna Moderator Moderator at Forexqna
Answered 2 years, 6 months ago
<p id="isPasted">Each question page should become a resource that can be used by anyone who is looking for answers to that specific question. The questions should be open-ended and encourage answers offering explanations.</p><p>We encourage you to ask questions about anything you are curious about, as long as the search engines can easily answer them.</p><p id="isPasted"><strong>QUESTION POLICIES</strong></p><p>You should ask sincere questions to gain reusable information</p><ol><li>A question should primarily be intended to obtain information, instead of arguing a point or making a statement.</li><li>Questions should not be used to advertise or solicit a business or service.</li><li>Questions should encourage a …</li></ol>