What are topics on Forexqna?

Forexqna Moderator Moderator at Forexqna
Answered 2 years, 7 months ago
<p id="isPasted">Topics are used to categorize the contents on Forexqna. Topics can be applied to questions and blog posts. These are usually meant to describe the subject of the question or blog post. &nbsp;Here are a few ways you can interact with Topics:</p><ul><li>You can&nbsp;follow Topics&nbsp;to receive contents that are related to those Topics in your Forexqna feed.</li><li>You can also&nbsp;mute Topics&nbsp;if you want to stop from seeing related content in your feed.</li><li>You can indicate expertise or interest in a Topic via a Topic Credential, which will inform people about what makes you qualified to answer a question related to …</li></ul>